Patsy Boyle Presentation
Patsy Boyle made a presentation to the club of a framed Drumgoon jersey to commemorate the winning of the All Ireland club title 20 years ago, when the boys beat Belmullet from Co. Mayo in the final. Patsy is a former Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Player, Coach, Mentor, and of course was the club sponsor for over 20 years.
Scorers Keith Fannin, (0–4), Ian Reilly (0–4), Philip Mc Dermott, (0–3), Adrian Crosson (0–3), Edward Jackson (1–0). The winning team was
DRUMGOON:- John Reilly, Jimmy Reilly, Colm Hannon, Martin Clerkin, Keith Fannin, Michael Hannon, Paul Mc Enroe, Jim Mc Nally, Edward Jackson (Capt.), Paddy Mc Cabe, Ian Reilly, Philp Mc Dermott, Bryan Bates, Adrian Crosson, Seamus Morris Subs Peter Hand, Paul Crosson, Ronan Crosson, Paul Mc Cabe, Barry Crosson, John Mc Donald, Colm Crosson, Niall Fortune, Niall Crosson, Shane Mc Gorry, Sean Clerkin, Gerry Hughes, Team mentors: Paddy Bates, Michael Fitzpatrick, Michael Hannon