Boyle Park Closed
Following on instructions from Croke Park we have from today, 26th March, locked the gates of our pitch and have a sign in place stating “All facilities Closed until further notice”. Anybody that enters Boyle Park from today onwards are entering at their own Risk and are Not Insured by the Club/GAA. It is regrettable but we have to follow instruction in these challenging times.
We thank everyone in the community for their co-operation in this regard. Keep safe and find reliable H.S.E. approved information on Coronavirus from
Looking forward to seeing everyone back on the playing fields very soon.
Helping Hand
We want to do our bit to make sure all in our community is supported the same way as you have always supported us here at Droim Dhuin Eire Og. If anyone is looking for help to collect groceries/medicines/fuel etc. or needs assistance in any way, we can help you. You can contact any of the following numbers, Tom 087-2859607, Jimmy 087-4194677 , Aogan 087-9785059, Roseanna 087-6106575
Stay safe everyone, Ní neart go cur le chéile
If you wish to volunteer with the HSE on Covid 19, you can get full details by clicking on the link below, on how to apply