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Club Education eLearning Module & Webinars

Cavan Coaching & Games November, Please contact our coaching officer Aogan Og, for details on the November training webinars

Click here for the link to the health questionnaire

Click here for the link to the eLearning module

Please screen shot and forward certificate of completion to

August 2020, Games must now be played “behind closed doors
The Covid-19 Health Questionnaire that all active GAA members must have filled out before a return to activity is available on 
All active participants including adult players, parents and guardians of underage players and team personnel will have to fill out the Health Questionnaire online. They must also complete an online eLearning module ( and retain a copy of their certificate of completion. A copy must be sent to the club secretary.

On Wednesday 24th June Boyle Park opened to all with social distancing in place. From Monday 29th June as per GAA guidelines training/play football and camogie resumed with normal contact.  Rosaleen Fox is our Club Covid Officer and we have a number of Covid stewards in place.  We will need more when all age groups return to train and we can add more at any time if anyone wants to volunteer.  We have put in place hand sanitisers, hand wash and appropriate signage. Thanks to Tony Mahon – Boyle Park is in excellent condition and ready for sport.
U13 Championship games planned for 21st July, U15 28th July and U17 18th July. Our seniors have 2 league matches before Championship –  1st league game weekend 17th July,  Championship weekend 31st July, we have drawn Killinkere in the first round. Training for U15 camogie and seniors starts Monday 29th. U15/U17 boys, senior men and women on Tuesday and Fridays. U13 boys on Wednesday. Senior Camogie on Thursday
U11/U9/U7 boys football, U13/U11/U9 camogie or any underage girls are not resuming for at least 3 weeks.

The following changes to the return to activity guidelines are being made after recommendations made by the Covid-19 Advisory Committee on the 20th of June.

These changes were subsequently endorsed by the GAA, the Camogie Association and the LGFA.

This week:

  • Open pitches for Adult training next Wednesday, June 24th.
  • Open for Minor and below from Saturday, June 27th.
  • Both of the above on a non-contact basis and on the understanding that players and all participants have completed the eLearning module and are following the control measures in place (health questionnaire etc).
  • On the basis of a maximum of 15 players in a designated area of the field (26 Counties) and 10 players in a designated area of the field (6 Counties).

Coaching numbers for underage teams to be consistent with Code of Behaviour.

From June 29th:

  • Allow contact training and challenge games for all from Monday, June 29th (26 Counties).
  • We await guidance from the NI Executive in relation to 6 Counties – non-contact training in the numbers outlined above in the interim.
  • We also await clarification on what will constitute a close contact versus a casual contact.
  • Restriction on participants only attending training sessions to be relaxed from June 29th – subject to government specified maximum of 200 people in the ground.
  • Allow Club Fixtures from Friday July 17th.
  • No change to inter-county dates (Sept 14th for training; competitions to start on Oct 17th as planned).
  • All control measures for players, coaches and other team personnel (completion of health questionnaire, eLearning education etc) is to remain in place until advised otherwise; dressing rooms to remain closed until July 20th
  • The Advisory Committee is considering the position in relation to other GAA buildings (such as Club bars that are serving food, Gyms, Handball alleys etc). Guidance will be provided in this context before June 29th.
  • UPDATE 18th August
  • Games must now be played “behind closed doors”, no more than 40 persons per team should be allowed access to games for the moment. This figure should include all players, management, coaches, ancillary backroom personnel and team officials. The 80 team personnel (40 per team) is in addition to essential match day personnel such as Match officials (Referees, Linesmen, Umpires), Media and event officials (stewards etc.) While we await further clarification on the issue of parents attending juvenile games we suggest that one parent or guardian may attend a game where they consider it necessary for the welfare of their own child.

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